Thursday, May 21, 2009

Take a survey for Senator McCain | Support Toomey's against Specter

Country First PAC survey
Here's a short survey that Senator McCain wants your participation for. You do have to fill out your name and address, and then the
survey is short, but covers important issues. The Country First PAC will release a full report when all the information is analyzed. Over 40,000 have already responded. Please be sure to make your voice heard, too.

Senator John McCain

Pat Toomey on YouTube.

Support Pat Toomey's bid for the PA Senate
Another matter that urgently needs your attention is the upcoming Senate race in PA. Yeah, I know you may not live in PA, but this race is crucial and we must do all we can to support Pat Toomey against the traitor (yes I did say traitor), Arlen Specter. If you're able, please send a donation, and if you're not able, then spread the word at least. We cannot allow Sen. Specter to continue in his position! A loss for Pat Toomey will make it almost a done deal for the Liberals to:
  • nationalize more private industries;
  • enact tax hikes of any kind;
  • impose government run and government rationed health care;
  • kill the First Amendment with the "Fairness Doctrine";
  • kill the Second Amendment through new gun restrictions; and
  • nominate activist leftist jurists to the federal courts.
Those are all things Pat Toomey has promised to fight against if elected. Let's do all we can to see that Pat Toomey wins and sends a loud, clear message to the Liberals and especially to turncoat Senator Arlen Specter.
Arlen Specter so feared a run against Mr. Toomey that he spent $100,000 to attack Mr. Toomey in a statewide ad, 13 days before Mr. Toomey announced he was running! Right after, Sen. Specter switched parties.

Monday, May 18, 2009

President Obama again shows his colors

President Obama made a joke at the Arizona State University that once again shows his colors: in remarking about the University's decision not to grant him an honorary degree because of his lack of experience, he joked that the university's leaders would soon learn about IRS audits.
Such a comment shows both his lack of understanding of his position, and his lack of consideration for the very real stress an IRS threat can cause people. Not to mention the still sore issue of his appointing admitted tax cheats to high positions.
Yet, Obama shows a great understanding of the way things work in politics and in the nation in other ways, when he is using that knowledge to manipulate the very foundations of our nation. So I question whether this is a naive faux pas by an inexperienced President, or just another chance for us to see his true colors: his inherent disdain for the American people and the American Way of Life.

clipped from

Mr. Obama has been accused of not appreciating the importance of financial capital to the proper functioning of the economy. But ill-chosen remarks like his ASU audit threat suggest that he also doesn't appreciate the role of moral capital. That, too, is essential to the proper functioning of a modern economy. As he looks for ways to pay for the spending campaign he's already embarked upon, he'd be well-advised to avoid comments that undercut the very tax system he'll be depending on.