Saturday, June 13, 2009

The epitome of cowardice and disdain for citizens: planning on a stealth middle of the night vote on 1.8 billion in new state taxes!

This arrived in my email today. Please be sure to visit the Americans for Prosperity website, both national and state chapters. Do whatever you can to help fight back against this overgrowth of government and its rejection of everything American, as well as its lack of concern for the neediest and poorest, which were promised such help but are ending up getting HURT.

New Action Alert- Stop NC House Tax Package. House leaders planning middle of the night vote to steal your prosperity!!

Breaking News

North Carolina House Speaker Joe Hackney (D) and the democratic caucus are planning on a stealth middle of the night vote on 1.8 billion in new state taxes !!!

Tell them NO by taking action now!!!

Even if you have taken action recently, please do so again!!! We must let lawmakers know that passing 1.8 billion in new taxes is not acceptable.

Under the House plan new sales tax rate would be 7% or higher throughout all of North Carolina. The package also includes a menu of job killing business tax hikes and higher income taxes.

Even if you have recently taken action, please do so again and tell the North Carolina General Assembly, "Not another dime!"

The size of this tax increase package gets larger by the minute....Please take action today!!!

AFP-NC urges you to TAKE ACTION and contact your lawmakers and ask them to vote against the North Carolina House Tax increases package and any tax increases in the state budget.


Dallas H. Woodhouse
State Director
Americans for Prosperity - North Carolina