Tuesday, June 23, 2009

ACORN changes their name, threatens anyone who speaks against them

Have you been noticing the pattern repeating itself over and over, under the leadership of our new President? Yep, the one where anyone that disagrees with you should immediately be shut up by any means possible.
No longer does this Nation embrace free speech, and everyone's God given right to speak their mind. Now, the rule of thumb seems to be if someone disagrees with your view, you do all that you can to paint them as extremists, crazies, loonies, and "blind followers" of such, you make laws to shut them up, and/or you threaten them with enough legal action that it will shut them up simply because they won't have the money to fight you. Oh, and you pass legislations as quickly and quietly as you can, covering up as much of the disliked parts as possible, and any time you are able, pass that legislation in the middle of the night.
We've watched President Obama use all of these tactics, since before he was elected. And as a result, so many federal and state legislators, governors, and left wing organizations such as ACORN feel even freer than ever to participate in this kind of sneaky, lying, underhanded behavior.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The epitome of cowardice and disdain for citizens: planning on a stealth middle of the night vote on 1.8 billion in new state taxes!

This arrived in my email today. Please be sure to visit the Americans for Prosperity website, both national and state chapters. Do whatever you can to help fight back against this overgrowth of government and its rejection of everything American, as well as its lack of concern for the neediest and poorest, which were promised such help but are ending up getting HURT.

New Action Alert- Stop NC House Tax Package. House leaders planning middle of the night vote to steal your prosperity!!

Breaking News

North Carolina House Speaker Joe Hackney (D) and the democratic caucus are planning on a stealth middle of the night vote on 1.8 billion in new state taxes !!!

Tell them NO by taking action now!!!

Even if you have taken action recently, please do so again!!! We must let lawmakers know that passing 1.8 billion in new taxes is not acceptable.

Under the House plan new sales tax rate would be 7% or higher throughout all of North Carolina. The package also includes a menu of job killing business tax hikes and higher income taxes.

Even if you have recently taken action, please do so again and tell the North Carolina General Assembly, "Not another dime!"

The size of this tax increase package gets larger by the minute....Please take action today!!!

AFP-NC urges you to TAKE ACTION and contact your lawmakers and ask them to vote against the North Carolina House Tax increases package and any tax increases in the state budget.


Dallas H. Woodhouse
State Director
Americans for Prosperity - North Carolina

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Red State Rockers have a message in their music

There's a new conservative band, called Red State Rockers. Give a listen.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Take Back Our State tea party in Raleigh yesterday drew thousands. Protesters came on buses from the surrounding cities and counties. Here is more information about some of the proposed taxes:
As you read this The North Carolina General Assembly is considering over $1 billion in new taxes. If that makes you mad I need you to take action.

The spending and tax plans presented by Gov. Perdue and Senate Democrats would repeat the pattern with up to $1 per pack more for cigarettes, a 280 percent increase in taxes on other kinds of tobacco, higher taxes on beer and alcohol, higher and more complicated income taxes, higher taxes for businesses, and a new six-percent sales tax on everything I do online, plus home repairs, car repairs, extended warranties, or even a haircut.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Tea Party Protest in Raleigh TODAY (June 3, 2009)

Gather at Halifax Mall in Raleigh on Wednesday, June 3, from 4:30pm to 7pm, to protest the proposed tax increases in NC. Governor Perdue hopes to raise taxes and establish new taxes amounting to close to a billion dollars. At the same time, they want to drastically cut many needed services for disabled children and adults, which will create undeniable hardships on families who are already dealing with so much, and in some cases, could result in death due to lack of proper supervision, needed medical care, etc. Raising taxes by a billion AND cutting desperately needed services?
I thought the liberals were supposed to be the "compassionate" ones who help everyone. Yeah, right.
Helping people who NEED help is a good thing. Creating a vast funnel that sucks every last penny from the economy (uh, that's you and me, in case you're not sure), and into some governmental black hole helps NO ONE!